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Brandon-E-Ramirez • RTermEmulator MMXXIV AD • No rights reserved
Digital Craftsman (Creator/Programmer/Problem Solver)
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Hello world! Welcome to my beautiful website fellow humans and bots...

This is an interactive retro terminal portfolio! Please type in commands and press "Enter" to
uncover more information about its creator and work. Here you will find my personal projects,
technical blog posts, and other random stuff I've been working on lately...feel free to reach
out to me! This website is still under development.

Type "help" for a list of available commands
This project is now open source, type 't-repo' to check it out
For a simplified version, type 's'

guest@brandon-term.com:/home$ ~  

.,,uod8B8bou,,. Client: visitor-local-machine
..,uod8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRPFT?l!i:. Operating System: Windows 11...(probably, bleh)
,=m8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRPFT?!|||||||||||||| Kernel: beats me
!...:!TVBBBRPFT||||||||||!!^^""' |||| Patience: running out
!.......:!?|||||!!^^""' |||| Uptime: a few seconds?
!.........|||| |||| Packages: unknown
!.........|||| >$ |||| Shell: nshell
!.........|||| |||| ************************************************
!.........|||| |||| Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (hopefully..)
!.........|||| |||| DE: 💡
!.........|||| |||| WM: i3 window manager
`.........|||| ,|||| Terminal: RTermEmulator v2.1.2
.;.......|||| _.-!!||||| ************************************************
.,uodWBBBBb.....|||| _.-!!|||||||||!:' Date: August 10th, 2023
!YBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb..!|||:..-!!|||||||!iof68BBBBBb.... Weather: La Marque: 20°F/-6.6°C
!..YBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb!!||||||||!iof68BBBBBBRPFT?!:: `. Public IP:
!....YBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbaaitf68BBBBBBRPFT?!::::::::: `. TO DO: make this website better
!......YBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRPFT?!::::::;:!^"`;::: `.
!........YBBBBBBBBBBRPFT?!::::::::::^''...::::::; iBBbo. close the world, open the next...
`..........YBRPFT?!::::::::::::::::::::::::;iof68bo. WBBBBbo. ================================================
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`!988888888899fT|!^"' | [_][______________][_] |
`!9899fT|!^"' |______________________________________________|
Now listening to: shell:nshell UTF-8 quit