IEEE 754 Floating Point Calculator (Final Project) | ( Fall 2022
Multi-number system floating-point calculator with .NET Core Forms app for software engineering class (SWEN 4342). Was
responsible for programming, researching, prototyping, & testing. Used Waterfall methodology and held meetings with instructor.
Tech stack: .NET Core, C#, &
Website Portfolio | (
Fall 2023
Web-based retro terminal themed portfolio. Made from scratch with vanilla tech-stack and using no external libraries. Some features include simple commands
(echo, clear, history), custom theme, music, wallpapers, and practical utilities. Static website deployed on GitHub pages
Tech stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Markdown
Capstone Project | ( Fall 2023
Unity video game group project. Served as project lead and programmer. Coordinated meetings, wrote up reports, and managed member tasks/responsibilities. This
project is currently in development.
Tech stack: C#, Unity, Blender, Visual Studio, & Trello